
Getting Involved

So you’d like to contribute? That’s awesome! We would love to have your help, especially in the following ways:

  • Making Pull Requests for code, tests, or docs
  • Commenting on open issues and pull requests
  • Suggesting new features

Pull Requests

Start by submitting a pull request on GitHub against the master branch of the repository. Your pull request should provide a good description of the change you are making, and/or the bug that you are fixing. This will then trigger a build in Travis-CI where your contribution will be tested to verify it does not break existing functionality.

Running Tests Locally

You can make use of tox >= 1.8 to test the entire matrix of options:

  • with / without lxml
  • pygeoif vs shapely
  • py26,py27,py32,py33,py34

as well as pep8 style checking in a single call (this approximates what happens when the package is run through Travis-CI)

# Install tox
pip install tox>=1.8

# Run tox

# Or optionally
# (to skip tests for Python versions you do not have installed)
tox --skip-missing-interpreters

This will run through all of the tests and produce an output similar to:

______________________________________________________ summary ______________________________________________________
SKIPPED:  py26: InterpreterNotFound: python2.6
  py27: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py32: InterpreterNotFound: python3.2
SKIPPED:  py33: InterpreterNotFound: python3.3
  py34: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py26-shapely: InterpreterNotFound: python2.6
SKIPPED:  py26-lxml: InterpreterNotFound: python2.6
  py27-shapely: commands succeeded
  py27-lxml: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py32-shapely: InterpreterNotFound: python3.2
SKIPPED:  py32-lxml: InterpreterNotFound: python3.2
SKIPPED:  py33-shapely: InterpreterNotFound: python3.3
SKIPPED:  py33-lxml: InterpreterNotFound: python3.3
  py34-shapely: commands succeeded
  py34-lxml: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py26-shapely-lxml: InterpreterNotFound: python2.6
  py27-shapely-lxml: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py32-shapely-lxml: InterpreterNotFound: python3.2
SKIPPED:  py33-shapely-lxml: InterpreterNotFound: python3.3
  py34-shapely-lxml: commands succeeded
  pep8: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

You are primarily looking for the congratulations :) line at the bottom, signifying that the code is working as expected on all configurations available.